Get Unstuck (Coaching for Christian Execs and Entrepreneurs)
"I feel stuck," is the #1 frustration I hear from Christian business owners and executives.
Nearly every video call centers around this thought of, "feeling stuck."
This course, "Get Unstuck" will provide you with the "Purpose Blueprint" framework to get you MOVING.
The "Purpose Blueprint" framework is a methodology developed over decades of learning and hands-on experience with clients aimed to help you "Get Unstuck".
The Purpose Blueprint is a blend of personal, and spiritual development through the lens of the scriptures.
Think of it like Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, and Dale Carnegie distilled through God's Word for development.
What this course will do:
- Help you create a road map, a VISION for where you want to go. It will help you reverse engineer success. (Habakkuk 2:2)
- You will begin to completely renovate your MIND, which is your most valuable asset. These powerful new renderings will begin to draw EVERYTHING toward your new goals. The clearer the vision, the greater the faith. (Romans 12:2)
- You will TAKE ownership of your life and decisions. (Matthew 25, parable of the talents)
- Your MISSION matters. You will drill down on why it MATTERS and how to MAX it out. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- You will learn the superpower of your SKILLS. What skills do you need or are missing that will march you toward your vision? (1 Peter 4:10)
- You will create powerful new HABITS. Learn why habits are the greatest cheat codes of successful Christian leaders. (Ephesians 4:22 - "old habits")
- Learn how to 10x your ENERGY so you can create all that is within your heart. An energy audit may be just what you need. (Luke 8:45 - Jesus said, "Who touched me.")
- Double down on TRUTH. Learn how to be honest with yourself and become ACCOUNTABLE to yourself and the Lord. (1 John 1:9)
What this course will NOT do:
- This course will not work unless you do the work. This includes all assignments, book readings, and private work.
- This is not the END GAME. This course will get you moving. It will get you starting to where you need to go.
- This course is not easy. You will be rewiring many negative mind beliefs, systems, and lies that you have been operating with for years.
- This will take time. If you think you can make it happen over a weekend - you're wrong. You will see progress if you take the time to let it work.
Finally, as mentioned, this course is designed for you to GET UNSTUCK. As you begin to wiggle your way out, please let me know.
What are the next steps after this?
- Option A: You join the group coaching cohort. This allows you to bring your momentum alongside others on the journey.
- Option B: You work with me 1-1 for the next 6 months where you will get accountable and aligned with all that God has for you.
You'll get the video course, which includes worksheets, and questions to get you out of the quicksand of life and into your own promised land.